0:00 Intro
The bible does say that all humanity has a knowledge of God.
Today's video is on the Incomprehensibility of God. Looking for some answers, Kyle and I went to Trinity Reformed Church to get Pastor van Eyk's thoughts on the subject. This is Faith to Film.
So, when we speak about the incomprehensibility about God, we do not mean that we cannot know God or have a relationship with Him. What we do mean is that we cannot understand God completely, totally, or exhaustively. There is always mystery about God because of who He is.
0:39 Why are we unable to comprehend God fully?
We cannot comprehend God fully because of who God is. He is the one besides whom there is no other. He's the incomparable God. He's a God of majesty and glory. A God of incomprehensibility. Also, we cannot comprehend God fully because of who we are. We are creatures. We are finite. We don't have the capacity to understand someone who is limitless and sin has also had an effect on our ability to grasp who God is.
1:15 How do we best come to know God?
The only way we can know God or know anything about Him is if He reveals Himself to us. Thankfully, that's what He's done. He's done that in creation and in our conscience. As the apostle Paul refers to in Romans 1 "we know God and we're left without an excuse." He has more fully revealed Himself to us in the scriptures of the old and new testaments. He stoops down, He condescends to, as Calvin says, to lisp to us, to speak to us in a language that we can understand. I suppose it's somewhat like that book series. You know, blank for dummies, home and garden for dummies or data processing for dummies. This is an attempt to transform the hard to understand into the easy to use and the bible's somewhat like that. It speaks to our capacity at our level so that by the Holy Spirit of God, we're able to know who God is and to have a relationship with Him.
2:21 Why should we know God?
The bible does say that all humanity has a knowledge of God. That's what Paul says in Romans 1. Yet, that's a far difference from knowing God in a sense of having a relationship with Him and that is ultimately the most crucial thing because we are created for His glory and how can you glorify one whom you do not know. Furthermore, without the knowledge of God the creator, life is just chaotic and confusing. We aren't able to understand our role in life and our position and our purpose without knowing God. So it's absolutely crucial for us to study the scriptures that we might know the one who has made us and who has made us for Himself.