0:00 Intro
God does work supernaturally in His creation.
Today's video is on Miracles. Looking for some answers, Kyle and I went to Trinity Reformed Church to get Pastor van Eyk's thoughts on the subject. This is Faith to Film.
A miracle occurs when the natural operation of the forces of nature is suspended and then there's a supernatural intervening force which acts according to its own laws and produces its own effects. All, as part of God's sovereign design.
0:34 How do people use the word miracle?
People use the word miracle quite loosely. So, for some people a miracle is something that is just wonderful, like the birth of a baby or something that is science defying at least at this stage in time or something that is just grand or stupendous. Now these are common uses of the word miracle but I think we recognize that those events, those common events that are really quite remarkable and give glory to God, are different than say, regeneration or the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus or even Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. That takes it to a whole new level of supernatural intervention into our daily lives.
1:20 Why did God use miracles?
If you read through the old and new testaments, you'll realize that miracles are not common but they are clustered at certain times in redemptive history. That shows us that miracles were designed by God for a very specific use. They are called in Hebrews 2:4 "signs and wonders and various miracles" and they were used by God to authenticate both the messenger and the message that the messenger was bringing as coming from God and therefore deserving of acceptance.
1:57 Does God still do miracles today?
I think it's probably most helpful to limit the use of the term miracle to its purpose in the old and new testament, which was to authenticate the message and the messenger as coming from God. And since we believe that God's revelation in the scriptures has been completed with the apostolic age and its closing, we would probably be safest to say that, in that sense, God doesn't do miracles today. However, that's not to deny at all that God does work supernaturally in His creation and that the ordinary forces of nature can be at times suspended according to His will for His own purposes to do something great and grand and glorious that magnify His name.