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A link to the homepage of the website.

A link to the Heidelberg Catechism page.

A link to the Heidelberg Catechism  Lords day 1 page.


Milestone 1

Website & First 2 Lord’s Day Videos


Design /Hosting Fees

Design /Hosting Fees

This will include a page for each of the 52 Lords Days with extended commentary and further study videos.

Heidelberg Catechism

This will include a comprehensive history page and a page for each of the 37 Articles with extended commentary.

The Belgic Confession  

This will include a comprehensive history page and a page for each of the 5 points.

The Canons of Dort

This will include a comprehensive history page and a page for each of the 33 chapters.

Westminster Confession of Faith

This will include a comprehensive history page and a page with the 107 questions.

Westminster Shorter Catechism

This will include a comprehensive history page and a page with the 196 questions.

Westminster Larger Catechism

Milestone 2

Heidelberg Catechism Videos


If you take a look online you may be surprised to learn that there are currently no highly produced video series on the Heidelberg Catechism. We see this as a huge gap that needs to be filled. We will start by creating videos for each Lord’s Day of the Heidelberg Catechism. The videos will include animation to help with clarity and retention of the videos. We will use different pastors from our Reformed denominations as the speakers in the videos to encourage a wide base of church/pastor involvement. These videos will be similar to our Essential Truths Series in their design and length. (link to Essential Truths).

Project Description

This series will include 52 videos (2 already completed during milestone 1). We will be fundraising in phases, focusing on raising $20,000 for 10 videos. We will do this 5 times to reach our goal of 50 completed videos.

Project Details

Milestone 3


Once we have completed the website's core and the Heidelberg Catechism series we want to continue expanding the content. Our goal is to eventually provide much more content, including further commentaries for every page, videos for the questions and answers of all the confessions, videos on the history of each of our confessions, sermons for further study of each confession and much more.



Faith to Film partners with The Great Commision Foundation

Donations can be accepted at

Reformed Confessions

If you search Reformed Confessions on Google, you will likely find a list of churches who have these documents as statements of faith on their websites, or possibly some links to individual confessions with a commentary. These documents are at the core of our Reformed faith and yet they have no true home. No location with everything you could want on our confessions. Faith to Film is looking to create this site. A professionally designed and maintained site with all of our confessions. We want to add a vast array of extended learning material for them including animated videos, historical documentaries, extended commentary and sermon libraries.

A Faith to Film proposal
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